Mernda scores new sporting hub

Published on Friday, December 20, 2013

A $3 million sporting pavilion and multipurpose training facility will be built at the new home of the Mernda Football and Netball Club.

The facility – to be built at Woodland Waters Recreation Centre – will cater for Mernda’s football, netball, cricket and calisthenics community.

Whittlesea City Council has contributed to $2.28 million towards the project, with the Victorian Government adding a further $708,000.

Minister for Sport and Recreation Hugh Delahunty and Member for Northern Metropolitan  Region Craig Ondarchie visited to the ground this week to announce the government’s additional contribution.

Mr Delahunty said the new facility would cater for sport lovers within the Mernda community.

“With two new football-cricket ovals already underway, our investment gives this growing community the necessary local infrastructure it needs to come together and enjoy the sports they love,” Mr Delahunty said.

“Once up and running, the new pavilion and multisport training facility will provide local clubs like the Northcrest Calisthenics Club, Mernda Cricket Club, Mernda Football and Netball Club the capacity to grow and cater for all people.”

Mr Ondarchie said the project would provide a strong foundation for local sporting clubs in the Mernda area.

“This new infrastructure delivers a strong foundation for local clubs and the community to not only support their sports but also host larger event,” Mr Ondarchie said.

“The new pavilion project will deliver a purpose built calisthenics space, unisex umpire and player change rooms, accessible amenities, kiosk, storage space and a spectator viewing area.

“The new multisport training facility will provide versatile and durable synthetic and hard court surfaces where local sport clubs and the community can practice bowling, batting, or develop their football, netball, basketball and soccer skills.”

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