Statement regarding social media postings

Published on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Whilst social media provides a great forum for commentary and interaction, league employees, club officials, players and volunteers are all subject to the Northern Football League’s Policy for Social Media Participation.

The policy outlines guidelines for participation in social media and is designed to achieve one goal: that participation in social media is respectful, relevant and protects the reputation of the Northern Football League (NFL) and the individuals within it.

The NFL finds the content of the social media page in question distasteful, disrespectful and a contravention of the guidelines of the policy. The site contains vulgar language, has published photos of players not directly associated with the football club targeted (in particular underage players) and continues to publish a logo of a junior football club.

The NFL will be investigating the identity of the Facebook publisher and if found to be a registered player, official or volunteer, the league will take action under its Social Media Policy. 

The league will also take action on contributions deemed to be in breach of the policy. 

The NFL again requests that members of the community engage with one another in a respectful, transparent and relevant manner.

Jeremy Bourke

Chief Executive Officer

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