Up close with AFL VIC student Jess McLean-Peace

Published on Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jess McLean-Peace is in her final year of the AFL VIC and SEDA Sports Development Program.

She is currently doing her work placement with the NFL and we asked her a few questions about her experiences in the program.

1. What are your thoughts on the AFL VIC and SEDA program?
It’s a great program that allows students to receive their education while being active in the community. The strong partnership with AFL VIC and SEDA provides students with great opportunities during their education and provides great learning experiences.

2. What do you like about the program?
I mostly enjoy the networking, such as having the chance to work with football clubs like the Carlton Football Club and being involved in family days and clinics. I also like that we are given qualifications such as first aid training and umpiring as this equips us to work within the sports industry.

3. What roles/tasks are you responsible for in the NFL?
Currently I am doing my work placement within the NFL, which has given me great insight into the sport and rec industry. I am learning useful skills such as data collation, agenda and minute taking, event management and website maintenance.

4. What AFL VIC/NFL major events have you been involved in and what are the highlights at these events?
I have been fortunate enough to work in major events such as the NFL Junior and Senior Presentation night and AFL VIC football carnivals, to name a few. A key highlight was being able to see the work that goes into running a major event, which has given me the experience and skills necessary for running events in the future.

5. What are some other initiatives you have been involved in?
With the NFL, I have been able to work during the junior grand finals, as well as be actively involved in the NNL. I really enjoyed being active in the community and seeing kids active in sport. It is great for my professional development as I am able to experience things that I wouldn’t get to normally experience.  I have learned a lot from working at the NFL and I will be sure to take the skills and knowledge with me for my future.

6. And finally, how are you finding combining you’re studying with working at the NFL?
The AFL VIC and SEDA program is a great program, especially with how my study relates to my work placement. At the NFL I am able to use my skills learnt in class, and vice versa. I have learnt some great skills and met some great people within my work placement, which has been a great learning curve.

Are you interested in finding out more about the AFL VIC and SEDA program? Opens external link in new windowClick here as places are still available for 2014 start!

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