2019 NFNL Under-15 Boys Representative Program – Stage 2 squad

Published on Friday, March 15, 2019

The Northern Football Netball League is pleased to announce the second stage of its Under-15 Boys representative football squad.

We would like to congratulate all players selected in the squad and wish them all the best in their pursuit for selection in the final team.

To those players not progressing at this stage, we thank you for your attendance and efforts during the training program and wish you all the best for the 2019 season.

To view the Under-15 Boys representative football second stage squad, please continue below.

Ahmed DabdoubWest Preston-Lakeside
Alexander RigneyMontmorency
Aviela ChokaGreensborough
Ben McBeanMontmorency
Benjamin HamResearch
Benjamin LittleNorthcote
Brae McComackYarrambat
Brodie DriscollLaurimar
Brodie WatsonDiamond Creek
Brody GlennLaurimar
Cooper HarveyYarrambat
Daniel CabralMernda
Daniel GikovskiBundoora Park
Daniel LansfieldSouth Morang
Daniel PerryWallan
Darcy HoggResearch
Deacon KalpakisSouth Morang
Dylan FlakemoreGreensborough
Flynn RileySouth Morang
George DavisWallan
Harrison KarvellasReservoir
Hayden DelosWest Preston-Lakeside
Henry WayEltham
Ignatius SimBundoora Park
Jack BrownDiamond Creek
Jack ChubbMontmorency
Jack MaruffYarrambat
Jackson DwyerWhittlesea
Jakeb RitchieBundoora Park
James AptedLaurimar
James McCallumEltham
James ThorneMontmorency
Jarred SeiterMontmorency
Jarrod CarrafaDiamond Creek
Jason McCormickEltham
Jedd ArrowsmithYarrambat
Jordan NguyenThomastown
Josh CannataWest Preston-Lakeside
Kaeden FoxResearch
Lachlan HomewoodDiamond Creek
Lachlan PrewettSouth Morang
Lachlan WatsonResearch
Lachlan YeatsResearch
Luka SalaResearch
Luke LuscombeWhittlesea
Luke OakleyGreensborough
Mark PegoraroSouth Morang
Martin FitzgeraldWest Preston-Lakeside
Mason ChapmanYarrambat
Matthew RyanLaurimar
Max HayesSouth Morang
Maximus OngMernda
Michael InzitariReservoir
Nathan DuffyWhittlesea
Nicholas StorerLaurimar
Nicholas YounesMill Park
Noah BarnesYarrambat
Rafferty ReichertYarrambat
Ralph BamblettMernda
Ranger Ferre-WattsResearch
Reece TrebleDiamond Creek
Ren GarthEltham
Reuben RodeWallan
Riccardo TamburroResearch
Riley GaylardSouth Morang
Riley PowellWhittlesea
Stefan ZivkovicMernda
Sullivan EverettNorthcote
Taj AndreettaEltham
Thomas FisherGreensborough
Thomas McErlainWhittlesea
Thomas NealeEltham
Tom CookKilmore
Trent StavrouWest Preston-Lakeside
William O'Dwyer-RichardsKilmore
William PlainLaurimar
Zac EastwoodGreensborough

The Under-15 Boys representative football squad will continue training on Wednesday March 20 from 6pm at Barling Park (Plenty Rd, Bundoora).

All parents and guardians are reminded to please park at the three alternate venues listed in the image below, as no parking is permitted inside the Barling Park car park until further notice.

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